
Peintres corses et de la Corse

Peintres corses et de la Corse des XIXème et XXème siècles / Partie 2

Giulia Pentcheff

Publication year 2013
Number of pages 80
Format 21 x 21 cm
ISBN 9782954035857

Two years before, the gallery had already devoted her space to Corsican painters. The success of this exhibitions leaded to a second one, encouraged by the interest of numerous collectors. A hundred of artworks were displayed on the walls of the gallery, the came from particular collections and were created between second half of XIXth century and the first part of XXth century. Some works were painted by Corsican native painters or island long-time resident, as Pierre Bach. 

Other works of this exhibition had also been created by Corsican artists in exile in Paris, Marseille ou North Africa. Finally, some works had also been painted by Corsican lovers artists who discovered and looked at the island with an inspired gaze. Featured artists : Jacques Martin CAPPONI, François CORBELLINI, Léon Charles CANNICCIONI, Dominique FRASSATI, Lucien PERI, Paul CORIZZI, Pierre VELLUTINI, Pierre BACH, Albert GILLIO, José FABRI-CANTI, Louis Ferdinand ANTONI, Olynthe MADRIGALI, Marcel POGGIOLI, Tony CARDELLA, Robert FALCUCCI…